Naturopath Penrith and Surrounds
Explore Herbal, Naturopathic and Nutritional Medicine Consultations in a BLAXLAND based clinic, near penrith.
As a Naturopath, located in a Blaxland Clinic, servicing Penrith and Greater Penrith clients, I employ a range of modalities in my practice, including herbal and nutritional medicine, dietary and lifestyle support, and therapeutic Yoga, and work with clients with a broad range of health symptoms, conditions and goals. Book a session today!
Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine, is a unique and dynamic philosophy and system of healthcare that emphasises prevention, the self-healing process, and the promotion of health and wellbeing through the use of natural therapies. Naturopathy is both as ancient as healing itself and as modern as the latest medical breakthrough. It integrates the best of traditional healing wisdom and practice with current health research drawn from peer-reviewed journals in a variety of disciplines, including medicine, nutrition, phytotherapy and psychology.
Naturopathy does not “diagnose” or “treat” disease; its emphasis is on identifying and addressing the underlying causes or patterns of illness, better managing symptoms so as to improve quality of life, and supporting the body-mind-spirit to return to a state of optimum balance in which the self-healing process can occur. Natural therapeutic modalities used in naturopathy to enhance health and wellbeing may include herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, dietary and lifestyle modification, energetic medicine such as flower essences, and complementary modalities such as Yoga.
Book an in clinic session or online session today.
The following six principles are the foundation of naturopathic care:
Primum Non Nocere - First do no harm
Naturopaths honour the individual’s unique healing process, and aim to use the least intervention necessary in order to achieve a desired health outcome or goal. In choosing natural therapeutic methods or medicinal substances, naturopaths prioritise those that offer the greatest possible health benefit with the least possible risk of harmful side effects. If a client’s presentation is beyond their scope of practice or skill level, naturopaths refer to a more appropriate health or medical practitioner.
Vis Medicatrix Naturae - The healing power of nature
In naturopathic philosophy and practice, the body-mind-spirit has an innate ability to heal. The role of the naturopath is to facilitate this healing process by working with the client to identify and remove any obstacles to their recovery. Naturopaths also recognise the inherent value of the natural world and of a healthy, natural environment as being foundational to human health and wellbeing.
Tolle Causam - Treat the cause
Naturopaths aim to identify and remove any underlying causes of illness, be they physical, mental and/or emotional, rather than to only suppress or eliminate symptoms.
Docere - Doctor as teacher
Naturopaths aim to educate, empower and inspire their clients to play an active role in their healing process. This elevates a client’s health literacy and provides them with the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain lifelong health and wellbeing. There is also great therapeutic value in the practitioner-patient relationship itself, and naturopaths take the time to really listen to their clients’ stories and to build relationships based on a foundation of trust.
Treat the whole person
Naturopaths view each client as an integrated whole, taking into consideration the unique physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and spiritual factors that influence a person’s health and wellbeing. By treating the whole person, a state of optimum health and balance may be achieved, characterised by positive actions, thoughts and emotions, rather than a mere absence of disease.
Naturopaths emphasise prevention of disease, assessing a client’s hereditary tendencies, risk factors and current health status, and recommending appropriate interventions to prevent illness from developing in the first place.